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Voice of Christian Liberty
Sharing the historical riches of God’s wisdom and knowledge from the
labors of hundreds of faithful servants at Christian Liberty.
September 2020 Broadcasts
Dave Bergquist, The Arts, Christianity, the Culture, the artist discusses where the journey has taken us. Part 16

Ashley Veigel, former homeshooling mom, chooses Christian education. She discusses her reasons and why.

The host discusses what is becoming the lost art of reading, encouraging all to read good books and read the Bible.

Dave Bergquist, The Arts, Christianity, and the Culture, Dave talks about art and culture and what is next. Part 17
Ruth Pellegrini, a former homeschooling mom of four runs for Congress in the First District in Illinois. Part One

Ruth Pellegrini, a former homeschooling mom runs for Congress and continues why she takes on the fight. Part two

Dave Bergquist, The Arts, Christianity, and the Culture, Dave talks about art and culture and what is next. Part 18

Grace Garcia, a single Christian mom starts a ministry and a business helping the elderly. Part One
Grace Garcia, a single, Christian mom continues telling her story of starting a ministry helping the elderly. Part Two

Pastor Lindstrom discusses updates on the COVID-19 virus and its effects on in-school and homeschool education
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