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Voice of Christian Liberty
Sharing the historical riches of God’s wisdom and knowledge from the
labors of hundreds of faithful servants at Christian Liberty.
July 2021 Broadcasts

Arlington Heights Pastor, Randy Thompson, returns to VOCL to discuss ministry changes and the call to help the jobless and homeless.

CLA mom, Reyna Arroyo, and her son, Mateo, discuss the value of Christian education and why the choice is worth the sacrifice.

Homeschool Insights, Part One. Ellen Longabaugh of CLASS Customer Service shares 20 points answering, What is homeschooling?

Florie Lindstrom-Morrison was married to the founder of CLA. The host discusses ten things we can learn from this dedicated servant’s life.

The host discusses Bible reading, as Jesus said, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Homeschool Insights, Part Two, Ellen Longabaugh of CLASS Customer Service shares, Why homeschool your children?

Dan Schustek, CLA Elementary school teacher, fought in Vietnam. The host shares ten things we can learn from this servant’s life.

The host dives deeper into the topic, you are what you read, encouraging reading the Bible daily and reading literature that builds you up.

Homeschool Insights, Part Three, Ellen Longabaugh of CLASS Customer Service discusses, Who are the people who homeschool their children?

Homeschool Insights, Part Four, Ellen Longabaugh of CLASS Customer Service shares points answering, What are the ways to homeschool children?

Andrew Dills, 2019 CLA salutatorian gives an update, and the host shares thoughts on what we can learn from this young man’s Christian walk.

You are what you read is a topic the host continues as she discusses the Bible and reading literature found in books from ChristianLiberty Press.

What are the top ten Bible verses searched for on the Internet? The host talks about these verses and the importance of Scripture reading. Part One

Continuing a talk about the most popular Bible verses searched for on the Internet, the host encourages Bible literacy. Part Two.
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